The Adorable Apocalypse

Since the 1960’s, birth rates in Australia have been declining. Over the last 5 years the fertility rate has dropped from 1.93 births per woman in 2012 to 1.7 in 2022. The ‘replacement number’ – the amount of children needed per woman to ‘replace’ the population – currently sits at 2.1 births per woman, a far cry from where future forecasts are trending.

With fewer Australians interested in having children, where is all their time, love and energy being devoted? The answer to this comes as no furry surprise. In recent years the desire to own a dog has exploded. It appears that every man and his dog now literally… has a dog. With 6.3 million four-legged companions now owned as pets in Australia, and nearly half of all households being home to at least one four-legged friend, we cannot shy away from asking the question: Are dogs becoming a replacement for children?

Let's face it, raising a child can be incredibly hard work. Dogs on the other hand are relatively low-maintenance and provide you with nothing but unconditional love. Moreover, it can cost as much as $30,000 a year to raise a child in Australia as opposed to $1,600 for a dog, so it’s no wonder young couples are opting out of changing nappies. 

What does this mean for the future of Australia? Will dropping your pup off at doggy nursery in the morning become as normal as the queues of kids on the Monday school run? Or perhaps searching for the perfect doggy stroller will be as easy as popping down to your local high street. Or even ‘puppy leave’ might become a compulsory mandate across the workplace. Who knows where this will lead us but one thing is for sure, dogs are here to stay. 

The explosion of dog ownership in Australia has certainly not gone unnoticed amongst some of the biggest retailers in the country. Woolworths, has recently invested $586 million into PETstock – perhaps management has plans to replace the baby aisle with squeaky toys and puppy treats. Furthermore, hardware and garden centre giant Bunnings has expanded their pet range to over 1000 products. Soon enough popping in for a new BBQ, and leaving with the latest Louis Vuitton doggy jacket will become all too likely.

Overall, dogs offer many benefits to their owners and can provide a fulfilling and rewarding relationship without the commitment or responsibility needed to raise a small human. They have carved their place into modern society and show no sign of leaving. To combat the puppy takeover is going to be a difficult task for the babies. Although just as cute, it appears the undertaking for parents is not worth the sacrifice of their mid-week yoga when such a convenient alternative is on offer. On the contrary, the bond you form with a child is irreplaceable. The blood, sweat and tears devoted to such an undertaking is generously rewarded over time. Has the decision to own a dog become a stepping stone to raising a child or has it become a replacement? I guess time will tell. 

Team Contributor: Angus Luff
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